Quantitative assessment the longitudinal changes of pulmonary vascular counts in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Sang Won Park, Myoung-Nam Lim, Woo Jin Kim, So Hyeon Bak
Respiratory Research 2022
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This study investigated the correlation between longitudinal changes in pulmonary vascular parameters and clinical parameters in 288 COPD patients over a follow-up period of up to 6 years. CT images were classified into five subtypes based on the percentage of low-attenuation areas. The total number of vessels and the total number of vessels with an area less than 5 mm2 per 1 cm2 of lung surface area (LSA) were measured. Results showed that these vascular parameters changed during the progression of GOLD stages and were negatively correlated with LAA-950 and LAA-856exp. Pulmonary function test (PFT) results showed a weak correlation with these parameters. Quantitative CT features faithfully reflected pulmonary vessel alterations, demonstrating that pulmonary vascular alteration started in COPD patients. The vessel analysis function in AVIEW COPD by Coreline Soft was utilized in this study.


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