Assessment of Treatment Response in Patients With Severe Asthma Using Visual and Quantitative Analysis of Chest CT

Han Na Lee, Jin An, Miji Lee, Hye Jeon Hwang, Jooae Choe, Jihye Yoon, Ji-Hyang Lee, Min-Hye Kim, Young-Joo Cho, Sang Min Lee, Tae-Bum Kim, and Joon Beom Seo
Korean Journal of Radiology
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The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of visual and quantitative chest CT parameters in assessing treatment response in patients with severe asthma. Using Aview software, the researchers analyzed air trapping (AT) and airways in chest CT scans of 34 Korean participants enrolled in a multicenter study. These participants underwent baseline and follow-up CT scans before and after biologic treatment, spaced 10–12 months apart. Radiologists scored bronchiectasis severity and mucus plugging, while quantitative parameters such as normal lung area, AT without emphysema, AT with emphysema, and total airway branch count (Pi10) were measured. Clinical parameters, including pulmonary function tests (FEV1 and FEV1/FVC) and eosinophil counts, were also assessed. Results indicated that changes in bronchiectasis and mucus plugging scores were negatively correlated with FEV1 and FEV1/FVC. Quantitative CT parameters like normal lung area and AT without emphysema correlated with clinical improvements, suggesting their utility in monitoring severe asthma treatment response.


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