The Fleischner Society 2024

2024. 06. 23 ~ 2024. 06. 27
부스 정보
The Seoul Plaza
The Fleischner Society 2024
Company Announcement: Participation in the 2024 Fleischner Society Meeting in Seoul
We are pleased to announce that our company will be participating in the 2024 Fleischner Society Meeting, to be held in Seoul from June 23-27. This prestigious event gathers over 85 of the world's leading specialists from 15 countries, all dedicated to advancing the field of thoracic imaging.

Mark Your Calendars:
  • Date: June 23 - 27, 2024
  • Venue: The Seoul Plaza

Schedule Your Meeting

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원하시는 날짜를 예약하시면 방문을 도와드리겠습니다.

The Fleischner Society 2024

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